This is sister Burbank, the mission nurse. She returned home from her mission and she's from canada! She's a very sweet lady.
Sister Tess Wunderlich, serving an LDS mission in the Kingdom Of Tonga. Learning to follow the footsteps of her Savior while walking her brothers and sisters home.
Wednesday, November 18, 2015
November 15, 2015 (second email)
This is sister Burbank, the mission nurse. She returned home from her mission and she's from canada! She's a very sweet lady.
November 15, 2015
I'm glad to hear that all is happy and well in Utah! (at least from what you've told me.)
Heads up, My mission president made up his mind. We only get 30 minutes to email our families home every week. So. My emails are going to be a little bit shorter and a little bit sweeter.
But, all is well here too! Mostly.
Yesterday was interesting, because I seem to have caught some sort of a cold! I actually quite literally lost my voice, and the doctor told me not to talk AT ALL. My poor little companion had to do all the tongan, and she's only been here for six weeks! We went to all of our appointments, and I think both of us by the end were a little frustrated. She was frustrated because she feels like she needs to know more tongan, and I was frustrated because I could do absolutely nothing to help her. I ended up-----***PAUSE OH MY GOSH WE JUST LITERALLY GOT A CALL THAT WE'RE GETTING HOT WATER PUT IN OUR MQ WOOO**** President Tupou mentioned that all the sisters were getting hot water, and he promised us we would get hot water first. Woo! He kept good on his promise! Uh, but too bad it's actually getting really hot here now.... Hahaha! That's ok. Anyways, on with the story.------ I ended up basically using my super awesome pantomime skills to help the investigator understand the message. I knew these acting skills would come in handy. We invited him to be baptized. He said yes! Now my voice is a little better, but I'm still not using it, because We want it to fully heal. Sister Bever and I are fasting so that I'll be able to teach at our appointment tonight. She was so very patient with me. I had to mouth everything I wanted to say to her. ALSO just some news that I thought was interesting, her uncle is the co-owner of Tillamook Cheese. That's right. Tillamook cheese. I'll just let that sit with you for a little bit.
Also, I don't like fleas. My companion and I somehow got fleas in our house, and they bite us while we sleep. We're trying to get that fixed! I like my blood, thank you.
We just had a transfer, and if you predicted as we already predicted, we're staying here! I like it here. We're trying our very best. We're going to get as much as we can out of this area in six weeks! Then, most likely, she will stay here, and I will most likely leave. Right before christmas.
Also, I finally got the package! Actually, my companion and I both got packages! It was good! She got a birthday package (With a no-bake cake and candles inside: Genius) and I absolutely loved everything that was in mine. Thanks so much, tina! Packages are literally the best things ever. And the T-shirt. It's now my new workout shirt. It makes me happy inside. I don't think any of the native islanders get it, but it doesn't matter. I get it. That t-shirt is basically the motto for my existance in these last 18 months.
We had an investigator drop us this week. We've been working with him for a while, and one day he told us he needs to tell us the truth, and that he just wants to study the bible by himself and not go to any organized religion. We made him promise that if he ever felt like he needs anything more, that he would read the book of mormon. I was so sad! I had no idea how much I loved this investigator until he unintentionally broke my heart. We sang him a hymn and the spirit was REALLY powerful. I knew he couldn't deny it, and I hope that he remembers it when he thinks about the missionaries and the message we shared.
Ok! So much to say, SO VERY VERY LITTLE time! Ugh.
Mom, I love you all so much and I think about you every day. I keep a family picture in my tongan scriptures that I can take around and show people. It makes me feel like maybe I'm taking you all with me!
Ofa lahi atu!
Ofa lahi atu!
November 8, 2015
Woo! So, I went to the dentist today, there was a team of 17 americans working in liahona, and I didn't die. Woo! There wasn't even anything serious, I'd just had a previous filling that had come loose. But all is well! Actually, I'm floating on the clouds. I was super anxious for no reason, As usual.
The baptism:
The baptism was amazing. Truly. My heart was afloat, especially when he got the opportunity to bear his testimony. It was so very sweet. This is one of the biggest blessings I've received from my mission thus far, the opportunity to see someones life be ENTIRELY changed by the gospel. Sometimes it's hard for us to see, because we were born in it. But every day is a testimony to me of how true this church is. Along with his confirmation, all of his children last sunday, recieved their baby blessings. Also, this next week, he'll recieve the priesthood. the week after that, hopefully he'll get to go do baptisms for the dead for his dad. This is his kingdom on the earth. I know sometimes there's things in this organization that we don't agree with. But all we have to do is trust. Part of faith is obeying, even when we don't know the reason behind things. I've seen that time and time and TIME again whenever I receive a rule from my mission president I don't agree with, or I don't understand. For example. I think our email time is going to be cut down. I'm not sure, I think he's still deciding, but we'll see. There are too many missionaries breaking too many rules, and so the rules get sharper and more strict. I'm not joking when I tell you that perhaps half of this mission came for the wrong reason. I'm not sure some of the missionaries truly understand the responsibility with which they've been entrusted. But, my mission president is called of god to lead this mission, and I trust that everything will work out according to God's plan. I trust him, even if I don't completely agree with him.
Recently my companion and I have been eating a lot of chicken and ufi. I swear, every night! Chicken and ufi! But, the more I eat the tongan food, the more I tolerate it. Spaghetti sandwiches is popular around here, and when I first tried it I thought it was the grossest thing ever, but every time I eat it it gets a little bit better.
I have not yet received the package from tina. I've been patiently waiting, but my patience is running out! Grrrr. Ssister bever is also waiting for a package. The mail system is just super slow. I know both of the packages are here in tonga, we just have to get them to us, now!
Ok. I gotta fly. We've got two lessons tonight, and that's more than usual for a monday! Still have to do laundry! But, I love you all, and I love getting letters from you all every week. Keep me informed!
Sending love from the corner of the world,
Sister Wunderlich
November 1, 2015
There is no Halloween in Tonga. But that night, we did bring candy to the people who gave us our fafanga. They and their kids loved it. One of the english-speaking tongans asked us if we miss halloween, and we said not really, and then he said "yeah, I guess there's just too many people who's faces look like real monsters around here to have halloween" My companion and I laughed super hard.
Tina and Dave, WELCOME TO UTAH! I live in lay-un, next to the moun-uhns, and we love eating green jello. I have no Idea actually if that's a real stereotype but whatever.
YES! we now get to go to the temple every month, and just all of the mission leadership gets that opportunity. It's amazing! I've only gone once, and I did understand quite a lot more than I expected, but when I had to speak myself I just listened really intently to the very patient assistant. I'm sure she thought I was dumb. Anyways! We train here in tonga for 12 weeks. So, I myself was trained for 12, then I had a 6 week break, and now I'm the trainer. My daughter and I will be together until barely before christmas. At least. And, I have an inkling I'll get transferred, but that's only because I'll have spent 6 months in navutoka. Bummer! I'll leave all these members who know me right before christmas! :( But that's all still up in the air. Anyways, what day is thanksgiving? I'm going to celebrate it over here, too. On the same day as you all, so I know that somewhere in the world, all of us together are giving thanks. You and your turkey, and me and my can of corn. (WE FOUND CANNED CORN AT THE CHINA STORE) Anyways. I have to go! I love you all muchly.
Sister Wunderlich
October 25, 2015 (Third email)
Alright. I thought I was being clever when I put cute little tongan subject lines, but from now on I'll also provide a somewhat accurate translation. Tongan is very simple, yet very complicated, because it's so simple. If that makes any sense. Also, simple doesn't mean easy.
I'm sorry you're not feeling well. That's no good. I hope you get better soon!
Mom, don't let your emotions hinder your messages. Of course, me saying that is rather hypocritical, considering I've hid plenty of my emotions in my emails, as well. Mostly I just convey the happy ones, which i feel like you do, too. So, if we promise to both be frank to each other, in both the happy and the sad, I feel like that will work out. Maybe? I don't want you to worry, though, about the sad things, as I'm sure you won't want me to worry, either. And I won't I'll just pray, because that's all I can do!
I never thought it was possible to feel physical pain from missing someone, until I left for my mission. My first taste of it was when I said goodbye to clytie. That was so hard. When I said goodbye to all of you, it wasn't quite as bad at first, because there was just so much going on at the moment. But driving to the MTC made me feel very carsick, from something other than the usual reason. The worst thing, I think, was after I'd hugged you, and dad, and luke, I was ok, but right before I took off with that other sister. I saw the looks on tate and cohen's faces, and it broke what was left of my courage! That look will haunt me until I return.
But I also want you to know, I'm so so very happy here. I finally can see the changes this gospel has in the lives of others, and the blessings -eternal blessings- that they can receive just because me and my companion left our families for just a little while. but mostly because of the savior. I've seen now, more than ever, that everything I have is because of the savior. And i'm eternally grateful.
Ok, time is short, I have to go. I love you mom, with all my heart and soul.
your daughter
October 25, 2015 (second email)
We have this investigator named "james" who we've been working with for a while. One lesson we sang a hymn for him and his wife, and they loved it so much they gave us candy leis and a whole watermelon. AMERICAN CANDY! yum! The Tongan on the right, her name is Ester, and she goes on vilohoa with us all the time. She loves participating in the work!
THIS BABY is adorable. I tried to get a good picture of her ADORABLE smile, but the picture kind of blurred. She's SO CUTE.
October 25, 2015
Hey, what's happening at home? I haven't heard from you all in a while.So, my companion runs for the BYU track team and her scholarship She also studied nutrition before she got here, which I think is extremely ironic on God's part. He sure has a sense of humor. But anyways, every morning I feel like I want to throw up. Running is my worst enemy. Ok. So, I have a little bit of time now, and half an hour later at about.... 11:00. So, for you, that means you have until... like, 4:00 pm.SO we have this AMAZING investigator that popped up out of absolutely nowhere. When I was with sister Vaa'i we got him as a referral, and we'd been trying to contact him for weeks and weeks, but he was either never home, or very obviously ignoring us when he was home. Finally, one day, while sister Piva is here, we were trying to come up with a plan, and I thought about him, and we decided just to stop by his house while we were on our way to another appointment. when the time came, we went to his house, and stood there for several minutes calling his name (in Tonga you don't really knock you just call the person's name outside their house) and we decided he probably wasn't interested and started to head off. A member drove up in her car and started to talk to us before we got very far from his house, and after about two minutes talking to this member, the man (we'll call him william) came out from his house. We asked him a few questions and then asked him if he had an opportunity to listen to a quick message. He said yes. Typically, we have a message prepared, but we always leave a window open for the spirit to direct us, and that's exactly what we did! We talked to him about eternal families, and he shared with us that when he was 15, his dad died of a heart attack and he'd been really mad at God for several years. We were able to share with him about God, and how he loves us all. At the end of the lesson, he was completely open, and when we left I knew we'd said just enough to leave him wanting more. We set up another appointment to come back.Long story short, we've been meeting for a couple weeks, and he's getting baptized! Truly, he is one of those "Golden Investigators" everyone talks about. Every time we come over to his house, he tells us a new way he's changed his life based on the gospel standards, and he tells us the blessings he's received from it! Literally, his conversion has nothing to do with us. His conversion is strictly between him and God. It's amazing! It is truly inspiring to see what the gospel can do in someone else's life. Last lesson with him I got a glimpse at everything. Everything it would be his opportunity to have, to do, to enjoy. He will be able to get the priesthood, his young daughters their baby blessings, and eventually their baptism! Eventually, he and his wife can be sealed in the temple, and AH! I can just SEE the happiness! I want to explode for this one soul who has seen the truth! If Vaa'i and I had given up on him, this would not have happened. He shared with us that he came out that day because he always ignores us when we come over, but that day he wanted to see what would happen if he let us in.God prepares people to receive this restored gospel! He lives and loves us!AND I LOVE YOU!love, Sister Wunderlich
October 18, 2015
Ok, so I don't need deoderant, but I do need one small thing. One metal fork, One metal knife, and one metal spoon. You'd be amazed at the things we've used as silverware around here. I feel like we're playing pretend half the time, because when I was a kid and we used to play house, we'd use strange objects for everyday uses. Except this is real life, and I just want a fork. That is all. sorry if I seem so needy! If anything is too expensive please don't send it.
We have been busy busy busy! I don't know how we even get everything done that we need to. (actually, sometimes we don't, but we try our very best.) I keep having these dreams that I've come home early from my mission for some reason, but I'm trying to return, and I have to get all my stuff together that I need here. It's always nuts! Even my dream life is busy.
So. One more year. It's strange to think I've been out for this long! I feel like I should know so much more than I do now. But you know, life keeps rolling. Every holiday from now on that I experience here will be my last one! They actually have quite a few holidays here in which people don't really work or do anything, for that matter. They seem to happen for no reason, but the people seem to enjoy them!
Alright, I love you all, but I have to go. Please, everyone stay happy and healthy!
Sister Wunderlich
We have been busy busy busy! I don't know how we even get everything done that we need to. (actually, sometimes we don't, but we try our very best.) I keep having these dreams that I've come home early from my mission for some reason, but I'm trying to return, and I have to get all my stuff together that I need here. It's always nuts! Even my dream life is busy.
So. One more year. It's strange to think I've been out for this long! I feel like I should know so much more than I do now. But you know, life keeps rolling. Every holiday from now on that I experience here will be my last one! They actually have quite a few holidays here in which people don't really work or do anything, for that matter. They seem to happen for no reason, but the people seem to enjoy them!
Alright, I love you all, but I have to go. Please, everyone stay happy and healthy!
Sister Wunderlich
October 11, 2015
Oh. My. Gosh, people. I feel like I haven't spoken to anyone in the outside world for the last year. This week was so very long. So. Hmmm. Yeah, I'm still here in Navutoka, which is fine by me, I will continue to search for new people to teach, and continue working with the old ones! Here's the catch though, I'm training!
I'm training a brand new Palangi sister named Sister Bever, and she is from Oregon. Her Tongan is way good, especially for just getting here. It's been interesting to watch her as we go around, her reactions to everything and such. She reminds me of me when I first got here! The culture is way different here, so I'm trying to help her cope as best I can.
Because the Tongans can't really pronounce either of our names correctly, we have to sort of tongan-ize them so that people can understand them. My name is simply Sister Lisi-- which means 'list'. We were trying to decide on a good name for sister Bever, so we decided that 'sister Peva' was closest. For one day, we walked around telling everyone that her name was sister "Peva" until one time we said it and a bunch of teenagers started cracking up. We looked at each other, and when we got the chance, we looked it up in the dictionary. "Peva" in tongan means a small flat sea worm, kind of like a leech. So, we've changed her name to sister "Piva" which means "Skirt". Now we walk around as Sister Skirt and Sister List.
I'm beginning to truly realize the extent of my Tongan, now. When we go out I see that I know a lot more than I thought I did, but sometimes it shows me a true representation of what I lack, as well. It's alright though. Things are tough, but we soldier on! 1 Nephi 3:7 is more relevant than ever before. There are so many days where we basically have to throw ourselves of the cliff and into the unknown, and have faith that loving arms will catch us as we do the best we can! It's truly been a humbling experience, thus far.
Time is short today, so the email is short today. But take that as your spiritual thought for the day. When times get tough, trust. Trust that everything will be alright. If you struggle with something, anything, tell Him. Trust that everything will work out to his grand design, even if you don't see it yet. I promise that as you make it through the refiner's fire, you will come out better and more perfect than ever before. I love you all so very much.
Keep going!
Sister Wunderlich
Sister Bever and I
October 4, 2015
UE! Dad I didn't know you don't get my emails! I thought you were already on the list? Sorry About that, I'll be sure to add you next time I mass email.
HEY! No, I did not yet hear who the new apostles were, but I'm glad you told me otherwise I would've had to wait another week. The only one of those I recognize is Elder Rasband, because he came to the MTC and spoke while I was there. But that's good! I've been astonished each time I hear that another apostle has died, and it makes me sad, but I know the Lord's work always continues, and I'm sure these new ones will be great!
I had the opportunity to see the Womens general conference last night, (In Tongan, so it was much harder) But My companion and I both commented on how old the prophet looks. What, I leave utah, and everything goes to pot? I didn't know I was needed so much! Hahaha.
that's super cool that you got tickets! Do you know what general authority it was, because that's super awesome!
As far as transfers go, They have not yet happened? We think. We thought they were supposed to be yesterday, but we didn't hear anything, and we're supposed to get a call whether we get transferred or not. Then we heard they were today, but I guess we'll see. I could just be spending another six weeks here with sister Vaa'i! I can't decide whether I want to stay or go. Truly, I love the people here, but I also feel like I'm ready for something new. But, whatever the Lord wants!
In tonga, we eat two meals a day, because the members have to provide them for us, But I'm actually not sure if the rest of Tonga eats breakfast, either. Usually lunch consists of sandwiches of some sort. Corned beef sandwiches, or spaghetti sandwiches, or just bread and butter. Usually when they bring it to our house, they just bring two loaves of bread and then butter and a can of corned beef or spaghetti. My comp and I don't really favor the corned beef or spaghetti, so we usually just eat the bread. BREAD. The bread is AMAZING here. WAY better than the normal bread in Utah, and a loaf from the china store is a dollar fifty. It is so good. For dinner, anything goes. Sanwiches, sausages, fish, rice, chicken, pork, (dog) anything, and usually with a plate of ufi or tapioka root on the side. Lots of it. Almost no fruits or veggies. I'm going to need to go on a diet when I get home. I have not yet eaten dog. I haven't had the opportunity, and somehow I feel like if I eat dog, I'll return home and Phin will never look at me the same. But we'll see what happens!
alrighty, I gotta go. Thank you for keeping me updated in the goings on in the world! I love you so much.
I'll talk to you next week! (maybe, transfers and stuff)
Sister Wunderlich
Sept 27,2015
Hello everyone! This week went by SO fast. I blinked and it's monday again. This upcoming week is going to be crazy, too! It's the last week in this transfer, so on sunday we will know whether we stay in navutoka or leave.
guess what? Two more baptisms on tuesday! Monday for you. This is really exciting. The thing is, we weren't even looking for these two, the Lord simply dropped two precious souls into our hands. They are both eight years old, and both come from completely different circumstances. The first, who's name we'll call Paul, comes from a very devout weslyan family, but his parents have told all of their children they can go to whatever church they wish. The members have been bringing him to class and sacrament meeting in church for several months, and apparantly when you ask him at school he tells you he's mormon. When we started teaching him, he was so excited. We told him we'd come at a certain time and he sat on his front porch with his book of mormon waiting for us to come! He also invited many of his other non-member friends, who got to participate in the lesson, too.
The other's name we'll call Dot. Dot has had a very hard life. A couple years ago, her father got very angry and because of this, her mother ended up passing away. Her father now, is in prison, and she has been separated from all of her siblings, and now they all live in separate houses. Her aunt asked us if we wanted to teach her. We came over to her house, and the first lesson we taught was the plan of salvation. We talked about how if we follow the gospel, families are able to be together forever. She loved it! She gets so excited every time we come over. One evening we were late to a lesson and she was very concerned, and her aunt told us she was kneeling by the door, praying for us to come.
The love I have for both of these children kind of feels like it might rip me apart. I want to do everything I can to make sure they stay strong in this gospel! We've integrated them into the Primary, and they both now have many friends there, and we've assigned a member to pick Paul up for church every week because Sister Vaa'i and I may not be here for much longer. Their baptism tomorrow is going to be amazing, and we've invited all of their nonmember friends to come to the baptism so they can see for themselves what we've taught about, and hopefully they'll be able to feel the spirit there, too.
I have not yet had the chance to see anything from the General Women's session yesterday. I actually thought it was next week? But maybe that's because they have to translate everything into Tongan. So it looks like we'll watch each session a week late, but better late than never! Also, better in english than tongan. My companion and I will re-watch all of the sessions in english, when we get the chance to use a computer.
Which brings me to something else. If I end up getting transferred this week, I'm not sure when the next time Is I will have access to a computer, so If I don't email for a while again be patient.
My thoughts this week have been drawn time and time again to home, but it's not so much a bad thing. I keep having all these good memories floating back to me before I sleep. Memories of Family, hanging out at friend's houses, MANY memories of colorguard and all the fun I had there, Summers, winters, so on and so forth. But, they don't make me miss home so much, they just bring a warm feeling to my heart. Of course, I do long to see you all, but for now the phrase "Someday" keeps me satisfied.
A mission is a mini version of life. You leave your family and friends and the people who love you so that you can fulfill God's purposes, and you know that all you have to do is be obedient and preach his gospel, so that "someday" you can return to your family, and be happy knowing you completed God's command.
Same with this life. We've left our family, Our Eternal Father and Mother, so that his purposes might be fulfilled, and all we have to do is be obedient to his commandments, and "someday" we will get to return and live with him, forever.
It's amazing!
Thank you all so much for your love and support, and know that I miss you all dearly, and that I think about you all before I sleep! (Creepy much?)
OFA LAHI ATU KIMOUTOLU! Oua te ke manavahe, ko e palani 'oe 'Otua 'oku haohaoa ia. Falala ki ai, 'oku ne osi 'ilo'i me'a katoa pe!
P.S. Have you ever gone through the temple in Tongan? Me neither. We're going on Saturday. This'll be interesting!
This man was chopping down this tree with a machete!
Tan lines.
This is the view when we go running every morning.
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